Strategic Consulting


Identify and Improve

Strategic planning

We review and analyze the current competitive position and strategic problems that affect your company. 

Business diagnosis

We deliver a general health evaluation of your company or an area within it that requires it.

Formulation of Strategic Planning

The formulation of Strategic Planning is a way of looking at, reviewing and analyzing the current competitive position and strategic problems that are affecting the company.

A correct formulation of strategic planning provides the content for corporate development by defining the current competitive and market position of the company. In addition, it serves to review the strategic portfolio of the different business units within the company.

By formulating Strategic Planning, areas within the company that require improvements in their strategies can be identified and, in turn, aligned with the assets available within them (human capital, technology, equipment, know-how, etc.) and compare them with the initial formal strategy, if it exists.

The range of analysis can be general or detailed depending on the information obtained as a result of a preliminary analysis of the current situation.

To implement a strategy, the Business Strategy, the Operating Model and the Organizational Structure must be analyzed. These three basic elements correspond to the value pyramid where we can align executives towards a strategic position that the company has adopted.

The formulation of Strategic Planning is useful to evaluate options for growth, identify specific areas to improve the performance of the definition and implementation of the strategy and find the right “fit” between the current business portfolio and the budgeted investments.

The Formulation of Strategic Planning is especially effective when from an external point of view it can provide independent and autonomous ideas and perspectives on problems and challenges that the company faces today or will face in the future.

Being able to have an adequate Strategic Planning Formulation, apply a very valuable tool that allows and helps business leaders to build the basis of argumentation and decision-making for the optimization and allocation of the company's resources.

Business diagnosis

Through the Business Diagnosis, a quick evaluation of the general health of the company or the area within it that urgently requires analysis can be made. To do this, it is recommended to follow in detail the methodology for evaluating the current situation offered by Global Value Consulting.

With a Business Diagnosis, it is about determining what the " company temperature " is, identifying the factors that caused it, its direct and indirect costs and defining the appropriate strategic formulation to return the situation to a normal or optimal situation.

To carry out an adequate Business Diagnosis, it is suggested to follow the following steps:


Carry out a survey and analysis of the current situation, according to the management vision of the company.


Conduct a survey and analysis of the current situation, according to Global Value Consulting methodology.


Establish and report Gaps or differences found.


Definition of the scope of the study.


Definition of valid Interlocutors.


Definition of the Project Sponsor.


Definition of the project manager from the client.


Carry out a survey and analysis of the current situation, according to the management vision of the company.


Conduct a survey and analysis of the current situation, according to Global Value Consulting methodology.


Establish and report Gaps or differences found.


Definition of the scope of the study.


Definition of valid Interlocutors.


Definition of the Project Sponsor.


Definition of the project manager from the client.

To carry out the Business Diagnosis, the following elements will be analyzed and defined:


Analysis of profitability and growth of the company.


Financial analysis of the company.


Analysis of the current consolidated situation of the company, based on the survey and detection of weaknesses already carried out.


Analysis of the internal decision-making process.


Monitoring and internal control systems.


Analysis of profitability and growth of the company.


Financial analysis of the company.


Analysis of the current consolidated situation of the company, based on the survey and detection of weaknesses already carried out.


Analysis of the internal decision-making process.


Monitoring and internal control systems.


Our innovative work model allows us to fulfill the mission of delivering a high technical level through the competence and experience of our associated consultants, with a very competitive rate proposal.

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