
Business diagnosis

Business diagnosis

Through the Business Diagnosis, a quick evaluation of the general health of the company or the area within it that the client urgently needs to analyze can be made. It is recommended to correctly follow the evaluation methodology of the current situation of Global Value Consulting. To do this, it is suggested to continue with the following steps in the pre-diagnosis:

  • Carry out a survey and analysis of the current situation according to the management vision of the company.
  • Carry out a survey and analysis of the current situation according to the vision of Global Value Consulting.
  • Establish and report differences found
  • Defining the scope of the general analysis
  • Definition of valid Interlocutors
  • Definition of the Project Sponsor
  • Definition of the project manager from the client

To carry out the Business Diagnosis, the following elements will be analyzed and defined:

  • Analysis of profitability and growth of the company
  • Definition of Monitoring Management Indicators (KPI’s)
  • Analysis of the current consolidated situation of the company, based on the survey and detection of weaknesses already carried out
  • Analysis of the internal decision-making process
  • Monitoring and internal control systems

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